More Than Fabric: A Collection with Purpose
In the realm of sports, where every heartbeat becomes a chapter in an athlete's unique story, we find Marci Goldberg's extraordinary journey. Her narrative, woven with threads of dedication, faced challenges head-on, and celebrated triumphs, unfolds beyond mere finish lines. Today, we feel privileged to share this tale—a narrative that not only transcends the boundaries of sportswear but also marks a new chapter in our brand's life, one dedicated to amplifying athletes' voices. Connecting Through Passion: A Journey Sparked on Instagram We reached out to Marci through Instagram, a platform where we consistently connect with passionate athletes, all...
The Innerforce Foundation
If there are any takeaways from 2021 it is that we can't control what we can't control but there's plenty...
Why Do My Bike Tires Keep Going Flat?
Walking home in the pouring rain, dressed in glaringly-visible Lycra, pushing your road bike along next to you with a...
Managing Swimmer’s Shoulder
Injuries suck. This we probably all know by now, and if you have not experienced this yet then it is...
Solo Training; What You Gain By Training Alone
The virtues of training as a group are constantly touted by triathletes. The social aspect, being able to push each...
5 Tips for Regaining Motivation For Triathlon Training
Triathletes are often seen as superhuman fitness freaks who are willing to brave the cold and wet to go out...
Common Freestyle mistakes and how to fix them
There is no hiding poor technique when it comes to the swim leg of a triathlon. It can mean the...
Is It OK To Heel Strike When Running
We all have our own unique way of running; from the way we hold our hands and arms all the...